Otis Hewitt

Student Pastor

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Otis Hewitt was born at Clark Air Force Base in Manila, Philippine Islands. He was raised in Forney, TX. Otis says, “My salvation was truly a rescue story by Jesus. I did everything to turn from Him but he used all his powers to send people for me! I was baptized early in my life but I was a late bloomer when my true salvation and calling came. Better late than never.”

Otis is currently studying to pursue a Bachelor of Arts and Science Degree in Religious Studies and Christian Ministries through Dallas Baptist University. Otis works full time as a Center Manager for the Garland Workforce Center. In this role, he assists the community with employment and resources. 

Otis is married to Ashley Hewitt, “the glue of our family.” He has 3 sons, ages 24, 20, and 10, and 2 daughters, ages 16 and 5. Otis says his family is his driving motivation.

Otis has served as the Student Pastor of Living Hope since 2021. Otis’ vision is that the young adults know that they are loved and respected. The two rules he believes everyone should follow are to Love God and love people! Otis loves seeing God move in the students of Living Hope through their conversations. He says, “Hearing and seeing Jesus in their words and actions is heartwarming!”

One thing people don’t know about Otis, is that he has been to the Holy Land and to Cairo to see the Great Pyramid. He was able to visit these locations while stationed in Sinai, Egypt in 1994.

Some of Otis’s favorite things are the Dallas Cowboys, watching late night tv with his wife, eating cheesecake, the first cup of coffee in the morning, and music.