Do you ever feel giving up your hard earn money is difficult to do when it comes to tithing to the church?
My Last Chance
Do you sometimes have a difficult time sharing Christ with others? Sometimes you might not ever get the chance.
I Love Lucy
You Are That Man
The Coke Machine
The Black Diamond
Have you ever tried to do something that you knew you shouldn't do because you were pressured? Or maybe you did something because you wanted to just challenge yourself ?
Well, about 15 years ago I went snow skiing with some of my church friends to Angel Fire. Usually when we go we always start off with a green easy run, and then build to a Blue. By the third run or so we have found our legs and are ready for a more challenging day. So as we are getting off off the chairlift we see this snowmobile pulling skier's up by a rope to the top of the back side of the mountain. We think, "cool, that looks fun". We all knew where it was headed, and we all knew it was not going to be easy. This had stupid written all over it. So as were hanging on the rope we are also laughing because we know in just a few minutes someone is going to get hurt.
(It's a guy thing for any lady reading this). So we get to the top and begin to ski over to the edge. I have never seen such a steep slope in all my life. I am thinking to myself, there is no way I'm doing this. So as the laughter is trying to over-power the fear, one by one my friends are jumping on to the slopes. I'm just waiting for one of them to kill themselves. Well they all made it down, and they are all looking at me to hurry up and get down there. I'm freaking out! I knew I could not back down. My pride, and their meanness would never let this go. I begin to edge my skis off the top, and as soon as I lifted up my ski, they crossed one another. I fell backwards head first, ski's popped off, and now I'm headed down the mountain facing the Heavens above going what had to be 900 mph. As I am falling down the mountain I hear laughing, and yelling, are you OK! I'm like really. Do I look OK, and why do I have so much snow down my pants? So I finally get down to the bottom where I just lay there. I'm trying to move all my limbs to make sure I had not broken anything. My friends were just laughing as if they saw something funny. I did begin to start laughing, but told them to back up and get my skis, and I would just wait for them here. So they left, and I was just laying there in God's country enjoying the view. I pulled out of my jacket some water and a Snicker's bar. Every great skier knows to bring water and a snack for occasions like this. :) After I ate, and drank my water, I now have to pee. I'm looking around and I don't see anyone in sight. So I reached down, rolled over, and did my business. So as my friends finally made it back down they see my empty water bottle, my wrapper, and what they couldn't believe was the prettiest yellow snow. They said, you ate all your rationing in 30 minutes. And did you really just pee right there. I said, "I was hungry and thirsty, and the trees were too far to walk to." We all just had a big laugh and went and enjoyed the rest of the day.
Well you are probably wondering what bible verse could I possibly use for this devotional, or how can this be applicable in my walk with Christ. To be honest, I really just wanted to share a funny story about myself. However, I do feel I have the responsibility to come up with something. :)
Do you ever feel pressure in doing something you know the Holy Spirit is telling you not to do? Proverbs 14:12 says, There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. For some reason I felt this was appropriate.
Or maybe you want to try something new because you feel your life needs a change or challenge? Isaiah 30:21 says, And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. I believe we all have been in these situations from one time or another where we should have just turned around.
Final thought: Make good choices. Don't try to impress people with your pride or arrogance. People aren't impressed. Be humble and make smart choices. If your this type of person than pray that God will help you overcome it.
E. Talk
A Man is Following You
The Funny Conviction
No Changes
The Window
A Good Name
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I sincerely hope you had a good day today. So today's topic is about a good name. Have you ever thought about your name? What does it mean? I think about many of the Bible characters and how they were named after someone, or some thing. For an example, Peter was called the Rock. That is a cool and honoring name. After studying him I think we can surely see that in him. Have you ever thought about how others see you? Not just at home or in the work place, but even at Church? What do you think people are thinking when they say your name? For me personally, every time I hear a persons name or think about a person I automatically think about this persons character a certain way. Don't we all do that, if were honest? I know I should not judge a person just because of certain behaviors. I know I should not think that this person is the last person on earth I would trust with anything confidential. I know this person never does what he says he going to do. I know this person takes advantage of me all the time. I know this person is this and that. Those are some of the negatives obviously, but what about the positives? Do you know those men you can call on to do something and know it will get done? Do you know a person that makes sacrifices by giving to the community and to his church regularly? Do you know that person that goes up to church and serves when nobody is watching all for the glory of God? Do you know that person when you see him that you can just see his love for the Lord? Well, I believe we see these kind of men in our lives daily. So how do we deal with those negative men in our lives, those, that really to be honest, you don not want to be around. You are nice because Jesus says "to Love our neighbor as our self", but really you just hope the conversation or dealings end as quickly as possible, right???
How can you be a good influence on someone you really don't like? For me its very difficult at times. However, what I have seen is if I make an effort to get to know this person, then sooner than later you will see their good qualities. I mean really, don't we all have some issues if were honest? Before you judge others for their weird, rude, or nasty habits, you just might want to think about your own. Just maybe someone is thinking this about you. Wasn't Christ the perfect example of not judging others with humility? You notice I said humility, right? Story after story Jesus showed us he spent time with the prostitute, adulterous woman, tax collector, the sick, and many more men and woman that many people despised. He did not care for the Pharisees because of their self-righteous attitudes and lack of humility.
What does the bible teach us about having a good name? Proverbs 22:1-2 says, "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold. The rich and the poor meet together, the Lord is the maker of them all."
And Proverbs 10:7 says, "The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot."
These are both two great reminders how important a good name really can be. Your character will live with you even after your dead. I think of Don Ivey, our beloved Deacon here at the church. Can any body really think of one bad thing about this person? I cannot, and I have known him for some 25 years. Can anybody think of one bad thing about me? Don't answer that...:) sure you can, and I know it. You know why I know it, because I probably think the same thing. Think about it for a second. If we know what people think about us negatively, and we know that it is not the character we want to betray, why do we not just change it?
I believe with all my heart we all want to change to be more like Christ. If you don't, then you are no better than the Pharisees that Jesus could not stand. He dislikes that kind of behavior because its so opposite of who he was. I pray that we can all ask the question "what do people think of me, what do I think of myself, and how can I look more like Christ"? These are tough questions, and I hope you will begin to pray today about a new you.
Have a great day!
E. Talk
Is God Listening
Good Evening Gentlemen,
Tonight thought is about prayer. Have you ever wondered as a Christian if God is really listening to every prayer? I mean you know he is God, but does he really listen to each one? Let's say for a moment he does hear every prayer; does he answer them? If we are supposed to come to him in prayer shouldn't he answer them?
Matthew 21:22 says this: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." So when I pray, and God does not seem to answer my prayer, does that mean I don't have faith? Didn't I have enough faith in the first place and that is why I came to him in prayer? I have faith he could heal a person from cancer. I have faith I would keep or get a job. Do you ever feel that you are just interpreting the scriptures wrong?
Well think about this...
1 John 5:14-15
And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him.
This seems sometimes complicated to understand. I believe the key words here is "if we ask anything accordingly to his will he will hear us. So are we just supposed to pray for His will and not our will be done? Does this remind you of verse? Can you think of anyone that has prayed like this before? As I read this I immediately thought of Jesus Christ when he was praying to His Father.
Going a little farther, in Mathew 26:39, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will it". Jesus knew he had come to die for the sins of the world. He did not want to go through the pain and suffering, but He had to do so, so that we could be free in Christ. What Jesus did for us, no other has ever done before, nor since.
When we pray, I believe we need to pray that God's will be done. I believe it is perfectly normally to have a specific prayer request. God would love to answer every prayer the way we want them answered, but fortunately God is sovereign and truly knows what is best for our lives, and for His purpose. Have you ever prayed so hard for something and you felt as God had let you down? Do you still feel that way? if you do, then I pray that God will give you Peace.
Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
God bless,
E. Talk
Sexual Harassment
Tonight's E. talk: I will be discussing what's been going on with the Men of the business world, and those men who think they can get away with sexual harassment in the work place. First of all I was wondering, do you know men in your work place that do this, but haven't been reported yet? Have you ever done this? If so, what prevents you from saying anything? Why do you think women find it so hard to say anything?
I believe that some women feel these men could ruin their careers if they say something. I think they even wonder if what they witnessed was really sexual harassment, and therefore start to second guess themselves. I mean it could be only a slight pinch or pat on the butt. Well for me if some guy did that to my wife, I would be having a word with him, and would probably be doing my best to get him fired (OK, I may hit him in the nose if I'm being honest)!
Jesus warned us, "Nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light (Luke 8:17). He added, "Whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops" (Luke 12:3).
His warning needs continual prayer because we typically think it doesn't apply to us. When we are tempted with private immorality, the tempted wants us to believe that such sin will remain private. That no one will know, or be hurt, as Satan whispers in our ears. However, while we may not be hurting others, we are hurting God. I believe as men we have all struggled at one time or another. We may have whistled, said something flirtatious, or looked at woman and thought to our self it would be nice to be with her. God says this "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Math 5:28). We must admit we are sinners, and have fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
I am praying for each man as we continue to grow in the Lord. I pray that we become stronger in our walk with one another and help hold each other accountable to God's standards, and not our own.
Again, if you have any encouragement, thoughts, or prayers, please let me, or let the group know. Please feel free to expand the email to other believers as each evening will be a different topic.
God bless,
E. Talk