Our Mission and Strategy
Extending Hope and Turning Hearts Towards God captures the essence of the vision we have for reaching our community for Christ. We envision reaching out in Christ’s love to the unchurched and developing each Christian to his or her full potential in the faith. We envision building a strong church but also desire to multiply our ministry through church planting and missions. We envision making a difference in the lives of the people in our community. We are extending the hope of the world, Jesus Christ, to those who are unchurched and we are turning hearts towards God as God involves us in His mission.
Our mission is to bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by intentionally pursuing the Great Commission found in the New Testament in Matthew 28:19-20. This Biblical mission statement describes our assignment which is to be on mission with God at home and around the world in fulfilling the Great Commission in making disciples.
““It wasn’t the nails that kept Jesus on the cross. It was his love for you.””
Our Values
Scripture and its Application
We believe the God inspired Bible is the authoritative guide for living and takes precedence over tradition or human reason. The application of Scripture and the obedience to the commands of Scripture is a necessary ingredient for experiencing God in our lives.
Prayer and Discipleship
We believe God answers prayers and it is our responsibility to regularly be involved in personal devotions. We also believe that discipleship is a life-long process of growing in Christ.
Love and Forgiveness
We believe in practicing the “one another” commandments of Scripture which include forgiving and loving others.
Missions and Evangelism
We believe our mission is the Great Commission found in the New Testament and that we are to reach people for Christ in our community, city, state, country and around the world.
Worship and Fellowship
We believe in joyously celebrating in times of worship and also allowing times for quiet introspection. We believe that fellowship with other believers is an essential part of Christian growth.
Quality and Excellence
We believe that our God is a God of quality and excellence who deserves the best we have to offer. Therefore, in all our ministries and activities, we will seek to maintain the highest standards of quality and excellence to the glory of God.
Creativity and Relevance
In today’s rapidly changing world, we believe that our ministry methods must be flexible, not our Biblical principles. Therefore, while maintaining our principles, we will regularly evaluate and change our forms of ministry to remain relevant to our times.
People and Purpose
We believe people are created in God’s image and are to be highly valued. We also believe in God’s purpose to bring redemption to all people. We believe that the joining of God’s purpose and obedient people of faith creates an abundant life in Christ.
Leadership and Connectedness
We believe that for ministry to multiply, leaders must be developed at every level in the church. We believe that each church member should be connected to the body through a small group where relationships can grow, where accountability can be maintained and where newcomers have a place to belong.