Workplace Miracles Series
Some 20 years ago I had designed and built a very wealthy man a new home. He was single, never been married, in his early 40's, and he had me design and build exactly what he wanted in a house. There was a center section that was 2 stories tall with a very low pitch roof and a large overhang, so as to have a Mediterranean look. Coming forward off this center section on each side, at a 45 degree angle, was a single story wing to give it symmetry.
It seems the roofer had taken a few shortcuts, and because of the 45 degree angle, the water was running right back into the flashing on the right side wing against the 2 story center. I tried to get the roofer to fix it but he was just not understanding, or was too lazy to do as I instructed, as I did know what to do to fix the problem. So I told the homeowner that if he would help me, he and I would fix it once and for all.
So on a Saturday, as that was best for the homeowner, I headed to the house with all of the materials to fix the water leak. The house was near Hillcrest and LBJ, but while on LBJ heading that way a few drops of water fell onto my windshield. I said out loud, "NO God, do not let it rain!" as to apply the material it had to be perfectly dry. It could get wet afterwards, but for at least one minute it had to be perfectly dry!!!
As I got closer to the house, a few more raindrops fell. I called my client on my cell phone and he confirmed it had just started to sprinkle there too, but nothing was really wet yet. I told him I was about 7 to 8 minutes away and get ready to get on the roof the moment I got there as I had all the sealant to fix the leak. It then started a few more raindrops. Not hard, but just enough that much more of this and it would be too wet to apply the sealant. So again I said, "NO God, do not let it rain!" But the drops continued.
As you know when it just starts to rain with a very slow sprinkle there is not enough water to run off anywhere, but the accumulation of each drop will in time cover any surface so it will be wet. And, of course, the sealant will not adhere.
I swung into his alley and then into his driveway which was now completely saturated with raindrops. With hope, I climbed the ladder to go across the shallow, sloped roof to the other side of the ridge to the area to apply the sealant. As I was on the roof, I could see that the culmination of the drops had totally covered the the roof and nothing was dry. As I went across the ridge to the other side, I could see the area we were to fix and it was perfectly DRY!!! There was not a drop of moisture anywhere within some 20" of where we had to apply the sealant.
Remember, I said it was a 2 story center section? Well the roof overhang from that area had kept the 20" closest to the house, exactly where we were to work, perfectly dry. The roof overhang had saved us and the rain had not fallen hard enough to have any run off into that area as of yet. We immediately applied the sealant to the dry roof and flashing while getting a little wet ourselves, but the sealant was on and it was curing immediately.
As we went back across the roof to the ladder to get down it started raining a little harder, but what we needed to do had been done. We made it! God made it so that where we needed to be was perfectly dry, just long enough for us to finish the project. The leak was repaired, it was fixed!!!!
As I drove home somewhat damp from getting wet, it occurred to me that in the future when I pray to God for help, to just tell Him what I need and Do Not Tell Him How To Do His Job!!!!
This reminds me of the verse right before Jesus shares with us the “Lord’s Prayer.”
Matthew 6:8 “…For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” NKJV
Therefore the lesson, the miracle: State Your Needs, Do Not Give God Instructions! He knows best how to answer your prayers in His own fashion and in His own time!
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV