“If we read the Bible, we’ll find countless stories of God’s faithfulness. For example, the apostle Paul lived through hardship, persecution, pain, and all kinds of terrible circumstances, yet he was able to make the bold declaration that God weaves it all together for the good of His followers Romans 8:28. This testifies to the fact that for those who trust in Him, God turns every difficulty, loss, and separation into something good.
Whatever we read in Scripture—whether a story about Abraham, David, Job, Isaiah, Jonah, John, Paul, or others—we see God’s constant love and care for His people. His Word is a lamp that will give us clear guidance when circumstances are bleak. It offers the best direction we will ever find. When we meditate upon it, pray over it, grapple with it, and incorporate it into our life, His light chases away the darkness. The psalms, in particular, are helpful in dealing with fear.
God, the sovereign ruler of this universe, is in control of your life. Don’t make the mistake of thinking He isn’t, simply because He does not operate according to your will and schedule. If you read your Bible and meditate on it, you will find genuine strength in His promises.”
Church Family, I know there are many of us facing fears right now. Some are really serious and some are insecurities that makes us stand still and do nothing; or run from our situation. I like the verse in Romans 8:28 above. Will you look it up for a moment? Will you meditate on it today? I believe it is important when you are facing fears of the unknown or the known, that you ask God for wisdom and discernment. This is what Solomon did….this is what we should do. Every person will face trials and be tempted to run to other things rather than Jesus. Stand tall. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Don’t give over. Be willing to go to other believers and ask for prayer. The more vulnerable you are with someone you trust the easier it will be to conquer those fears.
Here is a great reminder:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Pastor Troy