Going to Battle for God Series
So now we are on my final letter for “Battle” in the series “Going to Battle for God." If you have not been able to read the other devotionals concerning this series please go back and read them.
We have discussed:
Believing - Jesus is the Son of God
All-in - willing to do God's will
Trusting - trusting God in your life
Truth - believing everything in the Bible is true
Love - showing love to those you witness to
Today I would like to talk about the letter E for “Eternity”. Have you ever spent much time thinking about what it's going to be like when you die and go to Heaven? For us believers we know we have the assurance we will be with Christ for eternity. I am always wondering what it's going to be like and what all is in store for us, beside the obvious worshipping God. I look forward to every Sunday so I'm ok with just doing that. I do believe that there will be more to Heaven though, but those are things it does not mention.
In all of God's wisdom he did not want to reveal everything to us. I'm only giving you my thoughts here, so please take them for what it's worth. God does not show us through His scriptures, or through the vision of John in Revelation, if we will be living with family members, how big our mansion will be, what or if we will be eating banana pudding, and so many other things that many want to know. Why is that you may ask? I don't know for sure, but I feel its because it will be something so special that only those who trust in the Lord will get to experience it. What Christ does reveal to the thief on the cross is that he would join Him in Paradise that day. Luke 23:43 Jesus told him, "I tell you with certainty, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
When you think of Paradise, what do you think of? Hawaii, Tahiti, the Mountains in Colorado? Will Jesus explained it like this?
1 Corinthians 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him." Well, if I can't even imagine, and God has blessed me being able to vacation in my Paradise, then I cannot wait to go see it. I remember vacationing in Hawaii this summer and looking at the sunset, and literally watching the colors in the sky change second by second. It was a pretty amazing thing that God had created for me to enjoy here on earth. I can't imagine it getting any better, but if Jesus says so, I'll take His word for it. The fact that He has gone to prepare a place just for me, I also find that pretty awesome. When sharing my devotional a few days ago about the rich man and Lazarus, I cannot help but think how the rich man would give anything for one more chance to invite Christ in his life. He just wanted someone to go tell his brothers that Hell is for real, and you do not want any part of it. I bring all this up again because I feel it is so important. Sharing Christ is much more serious than we take it. I am so guilty of not trying to go out of my way to share Christ with more people. The excuse that it's bad timing, they will laugh in my face, or I think they already are a Christian should no longer be our excuses. I am asking you to make this a matter of prayer and when you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to say something to someone, you won't pass it up. Scriptures tell us the angels of God are rejoicing for every soul that is saved. Let's continue to go to Battle for God in a world that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!! Are you ready? Are you willing?
Luke 15:10 "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
Luke 15:7 "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."
God bless,